2023 : Le Sexocide des sorcières

Vauvert, Au diable vauvert, collection Nouvelles Lunes, preface Taous Merakchi, 109 pages.

The sexocide that Françoise d’Eaubonne talks about in this text, the treatment reserved for “witches” during the hunt that was carried out against them, was only a pretext. It was a perfect trick, suited to the era in which these events took place, to justify the torture and murder of women. Kramer and Sprenger’s Malleus Maleficarum would be treated today as the manifesto of an incel, released on the web a few hours before going to commit his mass murder in a place frequented mainly by women. (Taous Merakchi, 2023)


1999 : Le Sexocide des sorcières

Paris, L’Esprit Frappeur, 156 pages.

In this book, Françoise retraces the masculine obsession, since the destruction of matricentric cultures, with making the feminine disappear. “It is indeed in the Christian West, future creator of the ‘state of law’, that this dream of sexocide by the stake of witches manifested the earliest and most spectacularly. (…) It was in 1484 that the bull of Innocent VIII launched the initiative for an extermination which was to depopulate Europe from part of the ‘second sex’ for two hundred years. And the Church, for which every woman is a potential witch, will soon hand over “to the executioner’s torch the thousands of women whose guilt it invents.” (Alain)
