Write and fight!
As for you who will live after us, you will be asked to remain open to the invisible. That is to say to the small gaps in the Letters through which passes the murmured call so necessary to hear, if only once.
Françoise, La Liseuse et la Lyre

1920 – 2005 in twenty-three moments
1920 – 2005 in twenty-three moments

Over 100 books published from 1940 to 2004
Over 100 books published from 1940 to 2004

Books, extracts, letters, articles, pamphlets…
Books, extracts, letters, articles, pamphlets…

Songs, interviews…
Songs, interviews…

Her secret garden…
Her secret garden…
“I bequeath to all those who have loved me and will read me or have read me with understanding my irreducible hatred of a society filthier than all those that have preceded it, the love of the men and women it crushes and degrades in all ways and at all levels, the love of the environment to be resurrected if it is still possible, and the care to continue the fight against the patriarchal and imperialist power that my last strength will be used to curse and my last writings to fight.”
Good evening everyone”