Françoise’s children
Random order of display: it’s out of the question to have the leaders at the top and “those who are nothing” at the bottom…
Élise Thiébaut
the gardener
Élise, novelist, director of the Nouvelles Lunes collection, was born on March 12 like Françoise. Since their meeting and the writing of L’Amazone verte, she has never ceased to bring back to life the work of the one who coined the term “ecofeminism”.
Editorial decisions – Various prefaces – Re-edition of Le sexocide des sorcières and other texts.
Caroline Goldblum
Caroline was the first to produce substantive work in France after Françoise’s departure. Particularly interested in her diaries, she disposed of the 15,000 pages archived at the IMEC (not counting what has been lost).
Author of Françoise d’Eaubonne et l’écoféminisme published by Passager Clandestin.
Sara Marchesi
Sara, collection director at Prospero Editore in Milan and researcher in philosophy at the University of Trento, is passionate about Françoise’s work, which she popularizes throughout Italy. She translates, prefaces it and edits her.
Translation and edition of Feminism or Death under the title Il femminismo o la morte. Writing news in Italian on the site.
Coline and Flora Pilet
Coline is directing, Flora is dancing. Françoise brought them together for a creation about what she was, and it’s a real success, as she impacted them so much. The show will be completed for May 2023, wish them success with this piece!
Creation and performances of the show Françoise ! Une traversée écoféministe à la (re)découverte de Françoise D’Eaubonne
Taous Merakchi
Taous is a journalist, web editor (Passions menstrues; Mortel podcast) and author, notably of Witch Please and more recently of Vénère. She prefaced a book by Françoise, making a nice bridge between two women born 70 years apart.
Preface to the reissue of Le Sexocide des sorcières.
Pauline Launay
Pauline is a Doctor in sociology, specializing in support for end-of-life medical teams, member of l’Association Anamnèse. She has invested a lot in Françoise in recent years: the success of the international conference is her, the “Wednesdays of Eaubonne” in 2021 are also hers.
Organization of the 2022 international colloquium – Animation of Les mercredis d’Eaubonne at IMEC – In charge of the proceedings of the colloquium, to be published.
Geneviève Pruvost
Geneviève is Research Director at CNRS and teacher at EHESS. Françoise, who inspired her a lot for her book Quotidien politique, found in her an ally who helped make her known.
Preface of Écologie/Féminisme, révolution ou mutation ? – University research and projects around the work of Françoise.
Karine Lanini
Karine, editorial director at Binge Audio and literary agent at the head of Kalligram, is Françoise’s safeguard in the world of publishing. How much easier Françoise’s life would have been if she had had such expertise to accompany her!
Editorial decisions – Negotiation, execution and monitoring of editorial contracts.
Ruth Hottell
Ruth taught French at the University of Toledo (Ohio). Carolyn Merchant, to whom she is close, encouraged her for a long time to translate Françoise, which she had time to do after leaving university.
Translation of Feminism or Death in English – Translations for the website.
Manon Soavi
Manon Soavi, Aikido teacher and author, is one of the most original contemporary voices, noted for her first book, Le maître anarchiste, Itsuo Tsuda, where she links the Tao and anarchy. Her philosophy, drawn essentially from her practice, made her come across Françoise, whom she now helps to make known: if Françoise is on Facebook and Instagram, it’s thanks to Manon!
Promotion of the film in Italy, reflections on the work, social networks
Carolyn Merchant
Carolyn Merchant, philosopher and world renown figure in the history of the sciences, is at the origin of a translation of Françoise’s work into English, in which she identifies her as being at the source of the term and concept of ecofeminism.
Initiator of the translation of Le Féminisme ou la Mort in 2021, published by Verso Books with the title Feminism or Death.
Danielle Roth-Johnson
Danielle is Director of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of Las Vegas (Nevada). Meeting Françoise during her trip to the USA was remarkable: she has been teaching her for 30 years.
English translation of texts by Françoise for the website.
Magali Payen
Magali, founder of On est prêt and co-founder of Newtopia, inherited the capacity for action from the one she was close to in her childhood. We owe her the first reissue of Françoise after her departure, and probably other things to come.
On the initiative of the reissue of Une femme nommée Castor, mon amie Simone de Beauvoir in 2008 at L’Harmattan.
Myriam Bahaffou and Julie Gorecki
Myriam Bahaffou, doctoral student in philosophy, author of the very good Des Paillettes sur le compost, and Julie Gorecki, also a doctoral student, in Berkeley (California), prefaced the first reissue of an essay by Françoise.
Preface to Feminism or Death in 2020.
Alain Lezongar
Alain, whom Françoise wanted to adopt after decades of friendship, has a rare talent. His ability to concentrate coupled with an unparalleled spelling make him a talented editorial proofreader, without whom re-editions and this website would not be what they are.
Editorial decisions – Archive research – Proofreading and editing.
Aurore Turbiau
Aurore is a doctoral student in comparative literature (Sorbonne University, CRLC)and lecturer at the university. Member of the collective Les Jaseuses and the association of Friends of Monique Wittig, she works on the literary commitment of Franco-Quebec feminist writers of the 1970s and 1980s.
Reading notices on the site – Contribution “Françoise d’Eaubonne et la terreur littéraire”.
Vincent d’Eaubonne
The link maker
Heritage stripper, Vincent activates connections, develops possibilities, organizes chances. Receiving a message from him “I have an idea” is the assurance of something unexpected. In this particular, he is indeed his mother’s son.
Editorial decisions – Website design – Project development – International relations.
Manon Aubel
Manon Aubel is a photographer and director. After discovering Françoise during a previous project, she deemed it urgent to help make her known, which she succeeded brilliantly with an acclaimed documentary.
Production of the documentary Françoise d’Eaubonne, une épopée écoféministe, 52 minutes, broadcast by France Télévisions.
Isabelle Cambourakis
Isabelle is a historian, director of the Sorcières collection at Cambourakis editions, when she is not a teacher. Recognized for the quality of her editorial work, she meticulously studied an essay by Françoise.
Preface and reissue of Contre-violence ou la résistance à l’État.
Diana Vivarelli
Diana is a playwright (over thirty plays published), actress, director and stage director. Winner of the Prix Beaumarchais-SACD for Explosion, une bombe nous attendait à la gare, she has just published (March 24) Pour ton bien, which retraces her story and outlines her closeness to Françoise, for whom she is passionate and whom she helps to make better known in a variety of ways.
French-Italian translations, radio broadcasts and study of Françoise’s theater
Nicolas Longtin-Martel
Nicolas, co-founder of the feminist bookstore l’Euguélionne, in Montreal, is the best source in the world of the traces left by Françoise. (S)He has been compiling them for several decades, his website is a gold mine, and ours owes him a lot.
Master’s thesis on Françoise – Compilation of traces of Françoise.
Photographic credits: Jean-Claude Aubry, DR