Manon Soavi

Manon Soavi

Manon Soavi, Aikido teacher and author, is one of the most original contemporary voices, noted for her first book, Le maître anarchiste, Itsuo Tsuda, where she links the Tao and anarchy. Her philosophy, drawn essentially from her practice, made her come across Françoise, whom she now helps to make known: if Françoise is on Facebook and Instagram, it’s thanks to Manon!

Promotion of the film in Italy, reflections on the work, social networks

Diana Vivarelli

Diana Vivarelli

Diana est autrice dramatique (plus de trente pièces publiées), comédienne, réalisatrice et metteuse en scène. Prix Beaumarchais-SACD pour Explosion, une bombe nous attendait à la gare, elle vient de publier  (mars 24) Pour ton bien qui retrace son histoire et dessine sa proximité avec Françoise, pour laquelle elle se passionne et qu’elle contribue à faire connaître de diverses façons.

Traductions français-italien, émissions de radio et étude du théâtre de Françoise

Ruth Hottell

Ruth Hottell

Ruth taught French at the University of Toledo (Ohio). Carolyn Merchant, to whom she is close, encouraged her for a long time to translate Françoise, which she had time to do after leaving university.

Translation of Feminism or Death in English – Translations for the website.

Sara Marchesi

Sara Marchesi

Sara, collection director at Prospero Editore in Milan and researcher in philosophy at the University of Trento, is passionate about Françoise’s work, which she popularizes throughout Italy. She translates, prefaces it and edits her.

Translation and edition of Feminism or Death under the title Il femminismo o la morte. Writing news in Italian on the site.