Vincent d’Eaubonne

Vincent d’Eaubonne

The link maker

Heritage stripper, Vincent activates connections, develops possibilities, organizes chances. Receiving a message from him “I have an idea” is the assurance of something unexpected. In this particular, he is indeed his mother’s son.

Editorial decisions – Website design – Project development – International relations.

Alain Lezongar

Alain Lezongar


Alain, whom Françoise wanted to adopt after decades of friendship, has a rare talent. His ability to concentrate coupled with an unparalleled spelling make him a talented editorial proofreader, without whom re-editions and this website would not be what they are.

Editorial decisions – Archive research – Proofreading and editing.

Aurore Turbiau

Aurore Turbiau

Aurore is a doctoral student in comparative literature (Sorbonne University, CRLC)and lecturer at the university. Member of the collective Les Jaseuses and the association of Friends of Monique Wittig, she works on the literary commitment of Franco-Quebec feminist writers of the 1970s and 1980s.

Reading notices on the site – Contribution “Françoise d’Eaubonne et la terreur littéraire”.