2024: Feminismo o muerte

Verso Libros, 218 pages

Le Féminisme ou la Mort in Spanish is presented as follows:

In this work, originally published in French in 1974, radical feminist Françoise d’Eaubonne analyzes the situation of women around the world and asserts that the feminist struggle is not about equality, but about life and death, for human beings and for the planet. In this vast manifesto, d’Eaubonne for the first time proposes an ecofeminist policy: the patriarchal system acts on women as it acts on nature, destroying everything. Ecofeminism must therefore bring about a new “mutation”, an overthrow not just of male power, but of the power system itself. As Françoise d’Eaubonne herself prophesied, “the planet, put to feminine use, would green up for all”.


2019 : El Sexocidio de la brujas

Barcelone, Incorpore.

Le Sexocide des sorcières in Spanish.

Françoise d’Eaubonne published Le Sexocide des sorcières in 1999, after fifty years of writing and political commitment, having introduced the word “phallocrate” into the French language (1971) and introduced the concept of ecofeminism (1978). (in reality, in 1974, editor’s note). (Source Incorpore)

From the moment men took control of fertility (through agriculture) and fecundity (through reproduction), land and women were exploited according to a productivist logic. For five thousand years, patriarchy has been responsible for ecological disaster and the enslavement of women. The “witch hunt” is yet another episode in this domination which, for two centuries, persecuted and massacred women for the sole fact that they were women and not witches (Source: Incorpore).


1963 : Todos somos culpables

Grupo Planeta, Circulo de Lectores.

Spanish translation by Fernando Gutierrez of Les Tricheurs, Françoise’s novelization of Marcel Carné’s film starring Pascale Petit, Jacques Charrier and Laurent Terzieff.


1962 : Cristina de Suecia

Éditions Renacimiento, 283 pages

Spanish translation of Je m’appelle Kristine by Leonor T. de Paiz.

The Memoirs of Hadrian , Marguerite Yourcenar’s monumental work published 7 years earlier, can only come to mind when reading Françoise’s novel. And it is not the transparent clues that she left that will invalidate this observation. One could think of a stylistic imitation, when it is necessary to see there what these two great authors shared: a real knowledge of the Greeks and the Latins.

Knowledge that Françoise puts at the service of her purpose which, always, will have been to say: Women ! Be proud to be! It is thanks to this statement that I will have quite naturally, from my childhood readings, been led to consider that an epic hero could just as well be a heroine.

With Kristine from Sweden, Françoise paints a historical figure that lives up to her intentions. Friend and correspondent of the greatest intellectual and scientific figures of her century, linchpin of the Treaty of Westphalia, adventurous and combative, diplomat and peacemaker, Queen Kristine was unquestionably one of the most important figures in Europe of her time. (Vincent)
