2023 : Écologie/Féminisme – Révolution ou mutation ?

Paris, Le Passager Clandestin, preface Geneviève Pruvost, 349 pages.

Building upon the publication of Feminism or Death (1974) and her scholarly research in Women before Patriarchy (1976), Françoise d’Eaubonne provides a more complex elaboration of her vision of ecofeminism in this work.

In opposition to reformist feminism, which she describes as “mom’s feminism,” but also Marxist feminism, d’Eaubonne adds two dimensions to her analysis of the exploitation of nature and countries in the Global South: in her view, liberating oneself as a woman to the detriment of the planet and through the labor and exploitation of the most vulnerable is not really a true form of liberation. For how can it be forgotten that at the other end of the supply chain there are women bent over in fields on the other side of the world? (Geneviève Pruvost, 2022)
