Ten years Françoise’s junior, Maria Mies died on May 15, 2023, aged 92. Still too little known in France, the German sociologist had laid the foundations for a reflection that led her to theorize the “perspective of subsistence” as a horizon for total transformation. In an article published in Socialter on July 25, journalist Youness Bousenna looks back at the career of the woman who, along with sociologist Claudia von Werlhof and anthropologist Veronika Bennholdt, formed the “Bielefeld School”.
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Maria Mies et Veronika Bennholdt, in Subsistence. An ecofeminist perspective , (La Lenteur, 2022) :
For us, the perspective of sustenance consists in decolonizing the three colonies of capital: nature, women and the South.”
We also recommend that you read Quotidien politique. Féminisme, écologie, subsistance (La Découverte, 2021), by sociologist Geneviève Pruvost.