Françoise in America

By Vincent

Fils de Françoise, je m'active avec d'autres à faire connaitre sa vie et sa pensée, et à la prolonger dans la mesure de mes moyens.

Updated on 20/08/2024 | Published on 27/05/2022

The site goes international. An English-language version was quickly added. 35 years after her trip to the USA, Françoise returns.

At the helm are two fellow leading American academics: Danielle Roth-Johnson, head of the Gender and Sexuality Studies department in Las Vegas, who met Françoise in the late ’80s and integrated her work into her teaching cycle, and Ruth A. Hottel, professor emeritus of French at the University of Toledo and translator of Le Féminisme ou la Mort, recently released by Verso Books.

Thanks to this translation and the work on the website, a whole new world is gaining access to Françoise’s thinking. Articles are multiplying in Scandinavian countries, Indonesia, Japan, and surely in many other parts of the world without us even knowing it.

Many thanks to Carolyn Merchant for agreeing to preface the English version of the site, as she has worked tirelessly over the last ten years to bring Françoise to life in translation.

One day, perhaps, a Hispanic version?

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